The Etched Blog

What is a Title Tag?


Have you ever wondered, what is a title tag, why it is important, what does a title tag look like, or how do I write a title tag? I'm going to bet you've asked o...

What are SEO Keywords?

Have you ever wondered what SEO keywords are, how do you choose keywords, where do you use keywords, why keywords are so important to SEO? I bet you have because...

How to get more website traffic

As a business owner, you've probably wondered more than once how do you get more traffic to your website? It can be challenging, especially when you're just star...

Google My Business SEO

Get your copy of my SEO Quick Start Guide today & find out what to do for SEO. If you've been following the blog for a while now you likely understand the i...

Can you use SEO to grow your email list?

You may be wondering if you can use SEO to grow your email list, and the answer is most definitely! You should be using SEO to help grow your email list. When yo...

When to do SEO

It can be hard to know when to do SEO on your website or blog. It's a common question. The answer may surprise you. It's always a good time to do SEO. When you'...

How to Plan for the New Year

Ok, guys! It's here. We're in December, and it's time to review and make decisions about your 2021 plan. It's exciting. I love the new year. I love the excitem...

Review and adjust your schedule for the new year

The last habit I want to touch on this month in preparation for 2021 is the habit of reviewing and adjusting as necessary. Usually, when I teach about reviewing ...

Prioritize the Items that Make Money

Last month we worked a bit on mindset so that we were ready to tackle 2021, and this month, we're focusing on habits you can start now that will help you grow yo...

Prioritize the People Who Matter Most

When we're self-employed or trying to build a side hustle into a full-time business, it can be hard to find that balance so many of us seek. It can begin to feel...

Time Blocking Saves You Time

Last month we focused on changing your mindset so that you're ready to move forward into 2021. This month, I want to focus on habits that will help you prepare f...

Choose a Focus for the Next Quarter

Choose a focus for the last quarter. Usually, this is where I'd tell you to set goals. Set big goals. Grow your business. Make more money. Do all the things th...

Is it time to Edit your Personal Life?

We've talked a bit about how 2020 is a challenging year, but that doesn't mean it's a lost cause, and we've talked about looking for the good in what's happening...

It's not a sh*tshow

It's not a sh*tshow, even if it feels that way today. This year has been full of challenges for many of us. I'm sure you've seen the memes about it being a dum...

2020 Isn't over yet

2020 isn't over yet. I know this year has been challenging for many people. We're juggling WAY more than usual. You've likely been working from home since Marc...