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Want to know the best kept secret in podcasting?

You can grow your show quickly & easily with podcast SEO.

Enroll Now

Podcast SEO is the key to increasing downloads and making money podcasting.

Are you ready for new listeners to find you?

Do you want a podcast that’s your best marketing channel?

Would you like to 3x your downloads (or more) in the next 90 days?

You can. And it’s easier than you think thanks to podcast SEO.

No one is talking about this and yet, it’s the best thing ever for your podcast.

  • Optimize your podcast and start seeing results overnight.
  • Find out how to only create episodes your audience loves.
  • Feel like you’re cheating because it’s working so well.

Are you wondering if this is for real?

Are you afraid this is yet another shiny object designed to distract you?

Do you wonder if podcast SEO is really as easy as I’m saying it is?

Are you wondering if it will work for your show?

I know it’s hard to believe, but podcast SEO is amazing, and it works like crazy.

My podcast was stuck at average until I dug into podcast SEO. After 15+ years in SEO I knew there had to be a way to optimize my podcast and once I figured it out, my downloads skyrocketed, and my podcast landed on the Apple Top Marketing Podcasts list within 90 days.

I want you to be able to grow your show too. That’s why I’m teaching you the exact process I used to get these results.

Can you devote about 15 minutes a week to this?

Honestly, that’s about all the time you’re going to need to optimize your podcast episodes. Can you spare 15 minutes if you knew it would help you get more downloads and grow?


Introducing the ultimate program for growing your podcast. You’ll learn how to increase your downloads and make more money from your podcast in under 15 minutes a week.

Simple Podcast SEO is a one-of-a-kind program designed to teach course creators, coaches, and online business owners how to work with the podcast platforms to grow their shows without ads.

By the end of this program, your podcast will be:

  • SEO-friendly

  • Targeting the right SEO keywords

  • Able to be found on Apple Podcasts

  • Increasing in downloads

  • Helping your business make more money

Enroll in Simple Podcast SEO Today

Monthly Payments

3 Monthly Payments of:


Single Payment

Single Payment of:


Module One

SEO Keyword Research

Learn what SEO keywords are and how they’re used in podcast SEO.


Learn how to use SEO keyword research tools to find the right keywords for your podcast.

Find out how to use ChatGPT to help kick-start your SEO keyword research.

Watch me do SEO keyword research step-by-step so you know what to do for your podcast.

Learn how to rank higher in the podcast apps using SEO keywords.

Module Two

Optimizing Your Podcast

Make your show discoverable and help grow your audience.


Find out if your show’s name is helping or hurting your discoverability.

Optimize your show to make it easier for new listeners to find you.

Make sure your show art work is optimized.

Lay the foundation for podcast discoverability and organic growth by ensuring your show is SEO-friendly.

Module Three

Optimizing Your Podcast Episodes

Learn what type of episodes to make to grow your audience and be discovered.


Find out exactly where to use SEO keywords on each episode to boost your discoverability and downloads.

Discover the perfect episode length for organic growth.

Bonus – learn how to use your podcast’s show notes to help boost your website’s Google SEO.

Make your podcast episodes seo-friendly and start getting more downloads.

Module Four


Learn what’s working in your podcast.


Learn what to watch to see if your podcast is growing.

Find out how to determine which episodes your audience likes the best and which they don’t want.

Track your episode performance and organic growth.

Grow your podcast downloads and engagement organically.

When you enroll during this special period, you'll receive:

Simple Podcast SEO Package

(A $3,000 value)

The complete package includes:

  • 4 modules that teach you how to grow your podcast organically.
  • A step-by-step podcast optimization plan to teach you what to do to grow your show.
  • A bonus lesson on Google SEO for your podcast show notes page so you can get traffic to your website too.
  • The confidence to know your podcast SEO is working.
  • Short, easy-to-understand lessons you can get through in under 30-minutes each.
  • Plus, you have 3 months of Q&A sessions with me, so your questions get answered.
  • This course is tailored for busy course creators, coaches, and online business owners. You need about 15 minutes a week to do SEO on your podcast.


  • 3 months of Q&A sessions with Rachel providing answers to your questions. (value: $397)
  • Lifetime access to the course.
  • A podcast episode content calendar template and 6-episode ideas to get you started.

Enroll in Podcast SEO today

Monthly Payments

3 Monthly Payments of:


Single Payment

Single Payment of:


Hi, I'm Rachel

My superpower is making SEO easy to understand so you can get results faster. I’ve spent the past 20 years in digital marketing and have been teaching small business owners how to market their businesses since 2009.

I understand how busy you are as a course creator (I’m one too), coach, or online business owner. You need marketing strategies that work and don’t take hours every day to implement.

Podcast SEO is the best kept secret in digital marketing today. I used it to 3x my show downloads in 90 days. My show is now a top-rated podcast and is consistently listed on the Apple Top Marketing Podcasts list. I want to show you how to do this too.

Let’s grow your show together.

You might be wondering about some common questions that other students often ask:

  • Q – Will this really only take a few minutes each week?
  • Absolutely! I spend about 15 minutes doing SEO on each episode. That’s all it takes to grow.

  • Q - What about my old episodes? Can I do anything with them?
  • Yes! You can apply what you learn in class to your old episodes and start getting more downloads to them too.

  • Q – My podcast production agency says they’re doing this for me. Do I still need to take the class?
  • I always recommend that you have a good foundational understanding of the marketing strategies you’re paying someone to execute for you so you can be sure they’re being done right and getting good results.

  • Q – I tried SEO on my website and got frustrated. Is this the same?
  • Podcast SEO is much easier to learn. It also works faster than Google SEO. Let me show you what to do so your podcast can start growing while you continue to work on your website’s SEO.

  • Q – I don’t have a podcast yet. Will this help me or am I not ready?
  • If you are thinking about starting a podcast this class is ideal for you. You’ll learn how to name your show, what to include in your description, what type of episodes to create, how long each one should be, what to title them, and more in Simple Podcast SEO. All you will need to do is sign up for the recording and hosting programs and hit record and you’ll be ready to launch your podcast before you know it.

  • Q – Will you be available for questions if I get stuck?
  • This is not your typical online course where you’re left to figure it out yourself. We have a monthly Q&A call where you’ll get your questions answered.

Consider giving Simple Podcast SEO a risk-free trial if any of the following resonate with you:

Your podcast isn’t growing.

You struggle with staying consistent with your podcast.

You have a hard time coming up with episode topics.

You are stuck at less than 100 downloads per episode.

You want your podcast to be a marketing channel for your business.

You’re ready to grow your show, get more downloads, and make money with your podcast.

Enroll in Simple SEO Content today

Monthly Payments

3 Monthly Payments of:


Single Payment

Single Payment of:


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