Limited Time Offer

What if you could do ONE thing and make $10,000 more every month?


If you're ready to LIVE THE DREAM OF MAKING MONEY WHILE YOU SLEEP... you need this class.

4.8 TRILLION Dollars were made online in 2020. Yeah, TRILLION

And it's expected to be 5.4 Trillion by 2022.

How much of that did you make?

If you're ready to take your piece of the pie, it's time we talk about the single BEST online marketing strategy out there.

There are 3.5 billion searches on Google

People are searching for the products you sell right now.

Are they finding you or the competition?

Here's the thing, no one wants to hear the words SEO or Search Engine Optimization, I get it. It feels hard, it feels techy, it sounds boring. Trust me, I've heard it all.

But you have to do it if you want to sell more products through your Shopify site.

More than 50% of all customers find a NEW business through search. Imagine how many more orders you could be filling each week if hundreds or thousands of new customers found you?


Enroll in SimpleSEO for Shopify today

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I get it. I say the word SEO, and you want to stick your fingers in your ears and run the other direction.

But I want you to stick with me for a minute because this is about to change your life for the better.

SEO isn't sexy or fun like Social Media.


BUT it is free and it works much better

AND you can get a LOT MORE TRAFFIC from it than you'll ever get from organic social media AND it’s people who are searching for what you sell.

Honestly, you're wasting your time if you're focusing on social and not SEO for Google. You will make you more money from SEO, and it keeps coming in for years.

Without SEO your website can’t do its job. Search Engine Optimization is a requirement for a website to drive sales.

“All of my leads this month came from Google!”

Diana Anghelus

Did you know that 34-37% of ALL Searchers go to the FIRST website in Google's results?

If there are 100 searches, 34 will visit the first search result. If there are 1000 searches, 340 will visit the first search result.

60% of all searches will visit the sites in positions 1 to 3.

Less than 1% go on to Page 2. You have to be on Page 1 to get the traffic.

How do you get to Page 1? It requires SEO to get to Page 1.

There are 3.5 Billion SEARCHES EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Someone is searching for your products right now… it’s almost guaranteed.

If you want to show up on Page 1 so you can sell more products, then you need to do SEO so Google understands what your website is about and show you to the people who want to buy from you.

So what's stopping you?

Why aren't you begging to learn more about SEO?

But, Rachel, I can hear you saying, I tried to do SEO in the past, and it was HARD.

It was confusing.

And it didn't work.

I get it! SEO is HARD and not fun to learn on your own.

It's a whole lotta YouTube videos with terms you have to Google, and then there's a very good chance you may not get it right, which means you just wasted a bunch of time you could have spent working on your business, which is so frustrating.

Maybe you haven’t tried it because you don’t really want to do it or know how to get started.

Maybe the thought of it feels overwhelming so you think you might just wait a bit longer.

Or you are not sure how SEO translates into revenue for your business.


But, what if it could be different?

What if SEO was easy, with a tried-and-true professional walking you through every step of the process, teaching you how to tweak your website so that it turns into a money-making machine and showing you how to prove that it’s working so you know you’re doing it right?

What if you started making more money every month?

There are 5 TRILLION DOLLARS to be made online in 2022; how much of that will be yours?

"Rachel's superpower is her ability to break down and explain SEO in terms that were understandable. She gave us actionable strategies that we were all able to implement in our businesses right away."

I want to teach you how to make money online with SEO too!

You could keep trying to do it on your own.

Read the blogs. Watch the YouTube videos.You can save your money but you might end up trading it for hours of frustration, and the uncertainty of wondering if you’re doing it right and if you’ll get results in the end.

Heck, I've got loads of free content out there to help folks who aren't ready to invest in their business, but you, my friend, you're different; you know you're ready for this.

Avoid wasting your time being frustrated & stressed & wondering if you've done anything right.

I'll be there to show you the way. And I know more than a thing or two about SEO and how it works.

My Fortune 500 clients made millions off my SEO Strategies and I love that I can teach you the same things I taught them.

You get Shopify SEO taught to you by a real life e-commerce SEO expert.

"SEO is the unstoppable train"

You can hope the Internet fairy sends you more collaborations and loads more sales to keep that revenue coming in but last I heard, she’s pretty booked.

You can keep creating products that no one buys because they can’t find them when they’re searching Google.

You can keep writing blog posts that take your time but don’t make you any money.

Or you can invest in yourself and your business and spend some time with me learning how to use SEO to your advantage.

Because here's the thing. You NEED SEO to compete in today's digital marketplace.

Whether you learn from me or go it alone, you need to learn SEO, and now is the time.

More than 90% of online experiences start with a search engine, and 80% of users begin their product research online.

Consumers trust the organic listings, not the ads. Studies show more than 50% of users discover a new product or company after a search.

If they can't find you, they'll find someone else and become their customer.


But WHY is SEO so important to my success, Rachel? I don't get it. I have a website, isn't that enough?

Google can't understand what your website is about without a little bit of extra help from us. And that's what SEO is. We help Google understand what your website is about and then… it's easy for new customers to find your business too. And Boom.

Imagine what it would be like if:

Your website ranked on Page 1 for hundreds of terms, and new customers found you ALL THE TIME.

Everyone you asked said, "I found you on Google!"

You started making thousands of dollars every month from Google (SEO baby!)

You could spend your time doing what you love not worry about where your next sale was going to come from.

You SOLD OUT your products and suddenly your conversations were about scaling and hiring staff instead of how to get sales.

It sounds AWESOME, doesn't it?

It doesn't just have to sound awesome. It can be YOUR REALITY.

And I want to show you how.


What you'll learn:

What you need to do to your website to make sure that it shows up when people are searching for businesses like yours, so they find YOU and not your competitor.

How to find keywords that you haven't even thought about yet that will make you more money.

Where to use your keywords - what belongs in a blog post, what goes on the website. How those blog posts can make money for you!

How to make sure your ENTIRE WEBSITE is Google Friendly so that every page you create has the chance to rank & make money for you.

How to find the BEST hidden opportunities - the ones the competition hasn't figured out yet!

How to snoop on the competition to figure out what they're doing so you make sure you can BEAT them.

How to create content that’s perfect for BOTH the search engine AND your ideal customer.

Turn your web-site into a cash-making, product-selling machine!

Why SimpleSEO for Shopify?

SimpleSEO for Shopify is the only Shopify SEO class of its kind that's taught by an e-commerce SEO professional who's worked with Fortune 500 clients for years.

It will walk you through the process step-by-step, and everything you're taught is tried & true, and I know it works.

I promise this will work for your business. I’ve used SEO to sell everything from motorcycle parts to engagement rings, to baby products, sporting goods, winter coats, backpacks, and everything in between.

By the end of class, your website will be Google Friendly and ready to become the cash-making machine that you need it to be.

You'll be on your way to living the dream - making money in your sleep.

SEO is the ideal matchmaker who connects your business with potential customers who want to buy what you're selling.

And SimpleSEO for Shopify is your easy button.

Enroll in SimpleSEO for Shopify today

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Here’s how it all breaks down

In this course, you will learn SEO in an easy step-by-step formula without confusion or tech overwhelm so that you can rank higher, get more traffic, and generate more sales from your website.

But how?

Well, let’s take a look at what’s included in SimpleSEO for Shopify.

This course teaches you what to do, what tools to use, and how to track your efforts so that you know if your SEO is working. You learn what you need to know; we skip the fluff because you don’t have time to waste. 

Module One

Basics of SEO

In Module 1, you will learn the basics of SEO.


What SEO is

How SEO works 

How long SEO takes

How to partner with other websites to grow your SEO 

What to do first

Once you have a baseline understanding of how things work, it’s much easier.

Module Two

Keyword Basics

In Module 2, you’ll learn all about keywords. 


How many to target on your website

Keyword limits

Where to use your keywords

How to decide which pages are most important

Finding keyword opportunities

Now that you understand the rules associated with keywords, where to use them, and how often to use them on your website, it’s time to learn how to choose the right one for your website.

Module Three

Choosing Keywords

In Module 3, you will learn how to choose the right keyword every single time with the magic Simple SEO formula for keyword success.



Ranking opportunity

Customer intent

You’re moving along! You’re now able to choose your keywords confidently, you know which pages to use them on, you’re able to select the right keywords for your blog posts and your sales pages, and the best part is that you feel confident you’re doing it right. Go you! Now it’s time to start applying all this knowledge and use those keywords on your website to drive some traffic.

Module Four

Using Keywords

In Module 4, we dive into what you need to do on your website for SEO.


What you do for SEO on your website, walk-through

Which keyword you’ll use

Where to use your keyword

Where to use secondary keywords

How to use other content on your website to help your SEO

What other elements should include your keyword

How often to use your keywords on your page

Part 1 of the Simple SEO process is done. You’ve got your website optimized, and you know you’re driving traffic to the right pages based on what they’re interested in and what you want to sell. Now it’s time to help those pages rank even higher. We need to partner with other websites to get what Google sees as their endorsement or like for us.

Module Five

Website Authority

In Module 5, you will learn how to find link opportunities to build your website’s authority so that you rank higher.


You may have missed opportunities right now

Reach out to other websites

Look for PR opportunities

Social Media for SEO

All right, you’ve done it! Your website is SEO friendly, and you’ve started building links to it from other websites. Go you! The last step is to know what to track so that you can see how well everything is working for your business. You can’t celebrate if you don’t know there’s a reason to celebrate, right? And we want to celebrate your SEO success!

Module Six

Tracking Performance

In Module 6, you will learn what to track each month and, more importantly, what “good” numbers are so you know how you’re doing.


How much traffic do you get from SEO

Is it more or less than this time last year?

How much time are people spending on your website/webpage

Do they like the content you’re creating?

Does your content answer their questions?

Are your rankings increasing?

Is your authority increasing?

By the end of this course, you will fully understand how SEO works, what to do on your website, in what order, and how to continue to use SEO to grow traffic, leads, and sales on any website or blog.

Module - Shopify

Shopify SEO Training

In the Shopify SEO module, you will learn how to optimize your Shopify site.


You will learn how to optimize your Shopify site

How to optimize your Website's homepage

How to optimize your collection pages

How to optimize your product pages

How to optimize your navigation and internal links

A walk-through of the Shopify Admin panel so you know where and how to make each of the changes

The final pieces are in place! You have optimized your Shopify site for SEO!

When you enroll during this special limited-time enrollment period, you’ll get

Bonus #1

Hands on Coaching

Private facebook group with weekly office hours (Q&As) to ensure you get the answers you need to get results from your SEO efforts.

Bonus #2

Content Training

Learn how to plan & produce your SEO friendly content FASTER. No one wants to spend hours on every blog post or website page. Let’s speed things up.

Bonus #3

Website Review

I’ll personally review your website’s SEO with you to ensure it’s perfect for Google.

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The Etched Marketing Academy Guarantee

( from Rachel herself )

Let me start by saying,

SimpleSEO for Shopify is the most comprehensive, step-by-step SEO program for e-commerce business owners on the market today. It’s for Shopify site owners committed to driving more traffic, generating more leads, and ultimately making more money in their businesses.

The SimpleSEO for Shopify course is taught by an e-commerce SEO industry expert, someone who can (and will) answer your questions to get results. Someone who knows how to help businesses rank higher, get more traffic, more leads, and grow their businesses to levels they hadn’t previously thought about. Our community is filled with helpful, motivated business owners who are building businesses. When you join, you will become part of this exclusive group of Academy Students.

By the end of this class, you will have learned how SEO works, how to choose the right keyword every time confidently, what to do for SEO on your website. You’ll be on the path to SEO success.

Enroll in SimpleSEO for Shopify today

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3 Monthly Payments of:


Full Purchase

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What others have asked before registering for SimpleSEO for Shopify

I’m feeling overwhelmed by everything I have to learn. Are you sure I can do this? 

Absolutely! I know it can feel scary and overwhelming when you’re trying to do it on your own, but here’s the best part about taking a class, you’re no longer on your own. Consider SimpleSEO your SEO easy button. By joining me in class, I’m going to break it down in a way that’s super clear and easy to understand (because I’ve been doing that for years for clients), and with our weekly Q&A sessions, you have the chance to ask any questions that do pop up.

Will I need to invest in other tools to complete this course? 

No, you won’t. You need to have a website or blog that you want to optimize. If you don’t have one yet and are taking the class to learn what to do as you build it, that is fine too. The SEO tools that I’m going to teach you to use are free.

Do I need existing tech skills to get through this class?

Honestly, no. I know SEO can seem confusing and technical, but as long as you know how to use Google search, open Word or Excel files, can add a plug-in to your WordPress site (or add type in SquareSpace), save a file, upload a file to your website, you will be fine. The technical skills that you need to complete this class are probably all things you already do regularly.

I outsource my SEO now, is there a reason to take this class? 

Oh, yes, there is a HUGE reason to take this class. Are you able to verify if you’re getting what you pay for with your SEO consultant, or do they talk over you in an attempt to confuse? I’ve worked with clients who had consultants for several years who did nothing and got no results, and they didn’t know until it was too late because they didn’t know what to ask or how to interpret the data (or they didn’t even get a report from the consultant). Whether you’re going to do your SEO or hire it out, it pays for you to know how to verify if it’s working. There are sadly some scammers out there who prey on small business owners.

I tried to do SEO before, and it didn’t work. Will it work this time? 

Yes, it will work. The great thing about SEO is that once you create the right strategy with the correct keywords and do the work, it starts to work. When someone attempts SEO, and it doesn’t work, it’s often because they’ve made a fundamental error in their keyword choice or strategy. It’s not too late to turn things around.

How long does SEO take to work?

The truth, SEO takes a while. It can take 12-24 months to see big results. The way it works is that we start to see the website’s authority increase, keyword rankings increase, traffic increase. It’s fun when you can begin to predict when traffic will increase.

I tried SEO before and got overwhelmed and gave up. Can I do this? 

Oh goodness, this is such a common question, and it makes me sad. Yes, you can do this. When we go it alone for something that seems confusing, it tends to make us feel like we can’t do it, and so we move it back to the bottom of the to-do list or skip it altogether. But when you join me in class, you’re no longer alone. You have an SEO expert to guide you and teach you and answer your questions. And that changes everything, my friend.

Will Rachel be available to answer my questions when I need help? 

Yes, I will. There will be a dedicated Q&A session once a week. I will check for questions before that time so that we make sure you get the answer you need, whether or not you can join us live because I know how hard it can be to join live and how utterly frustrating it is when you have a question and feel like you can’t get the answer you need. You can also post within our private Facebook group and ask your question during the week, and if it’s a quick question, I often answer them right away vs. wait until the next group Q&A.


You should give SimpleSEO for Shopify a risk-free 14 days trial if you feel any of the following:

You badly want your business to grow.

You need more traffic to your website.

You want better-qualified traffic.

You need more leads.

You need to turn those leads into customers.

You’re motivated to figure this out, but you’ve tried before, and it was overwhelming on your own.

You’ve had learn SEO on your to-do list for a while now, but you haven’t started because, well, it feels scary.

You’re not sure you can do this, but you want to try.

You tried before and think you did it wrong because it didn’t work, and now you want to get it right.

Hi, I'm Rachel!

I get it. You're frustrated. You're tired of chasing shiny objects. You're wondering if SEO will help your business as much as I say it will.

You're tired of trying to Google and YouTube your way out of this endless cycle of trying to figure it all out and ultimately wasting time you didn't have.

It seemed so much easier when you first decided to build your website, launch your course, go out on your own. Now, everyone and their brother says they have the solution for you if you take their class.

But you're not sure if this is REALLY the thing that's going to work for you. You're hopeful but also a bit nervous because maybe you've tried before and it didn't work.

I get it; you don't have time to waste. You don't have money to waste either. I've been there. I've taken the classes that I regretted later or the ones that I didn't finish because I didn't see the value they promised. And it is so frustrating because you're out time and money both.

SimpleSEO for Shopify will show you how to make sure your Shopify website is the one people find when they search for products that you sell.

I've been an e-commerce SEO Strategist for more than a decade, and I've been in Marketing for 20+ years now. I know a thing or two about SEO and digital marketing. I've worked with Fortune 500 companies and led their SEO strategies, and these are what I'm going to teach you in SimpleSEO. If you've ever wanted to know what the big companies do to market themselves, this is your chance.

I want you to join me in class because I know what a difference it can make for your business. Whether you're brand new to SEO or tried it before and it didn't work. I can show you what to do so you get in on that 5 Trillion dollars in online revenue next year.

Your SEO Bestie,


I am a student in Rachel's course, which is proving to be one of the most valuable investments I've ever made in my business.

Again, Rachel's ability to break down terms and concepts in a way that allows her students to take meaningful actions is what makes this course a must-have for anyone with an e-commerce business.

Lucy Kelly

SEO is for serious business owners who get that a bit of time now can yield big results in the future.

Put another way, you can spend the next six weeks Googling and YouTubing it and trying to figure out SEO yourself, or you can join me in SimpleSEO and learn what to do. It doesn't matter if you'd never heard the words SEO before today. You can still do this.

I recently hired Rachel to teach SEO in one of my paid memberships, and her training was phenomenal.

She did not hold back and shared all her best tools and tricks to ranking on page 1 of Google.

My creative students, who are beginners, found her training so helpful and easy to follow. She made SEO make sense!

Emily Reagan

Are You Ready?

Enroll in SimpleSEO for Shopify today

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