Get Found On Google

Hi, I’m Rachel

I teach course creators, coaches, and online businesss owners how to get found on Google so they get free website traffic and make more money.

Get Found On Google

Hi! I’m Rachel!

I teach course creators, coaches, and online businesss owners how to get found on Google so they get free website traffic and make more money.

Your website isn’t getting the traffic it deserves. You’re not alone, in fact, 90% of website pages get no traffic from Google.

It's frustrating because:

No one can find your website on Google.

You’re not getting organic (FREE!) website traffic.

You know your business could make more money.

It doesn’t have to be this hard.

Take the free class and learn the 3 easy things you need to do to get found on Google.

  • You’ll get found by the right people on Google.
  • You’ll get more organic (free!) website traffic each month.
  • You’ll be able to book more clients, sell more courses, sell more offers, and make more money.
  • And you’ll keep more of the money you make because you aren’t paying for ads!

If you want to gain a positively unfair advantage over the competition...

About Me

I’ve been an online entrepreneur and course creator since 2016.

I’ve spent the past 20 years in organic marketing – SEO, content, email, video, and podcasting.

I left the corporate marketing agency world in 2016 in search of more freedom and time flexibility and I can help you do the same thing for your business.

I don’t believe in hustle culture. I believe in being very strategic and growing your business using organic marketing.

Today, I teach small business owners how to use their websites to drive traffic and sales for your business so you can work fewer hours, make more money, and have the time and energy to do what’s most important to you.

I make getting found on Google easy!

Start with the free class. You’ll learn how to get found easier on Google.

Implement the simple steps you learn in the free class in about the time it would take to have a coffee date.

Get free website traffic, book more clients, sell more courses, and make more money in your business.

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