Etched Marketing Academy Courses

Hi, I'm Rachel. I teach coaches, course creators, and online business owners how to use search engine optimization, blogging, podcasting, and email marketing to grow their businesses organically.

I can show you how to get found on Google, triple your podcast downloads, and grow your email list.

Etched Marketing Academy Courses

Hi, I'm Rachel. I teach coaches, course creators, and online business owners how to use search engine optimization, blogging, podcasting, and email marketing to grow their businesses organically.

I can show you how to get found on Google, triple your podcast downloads, and grow your email list.

I’ve been in digital marketing for 20 years and know what works and what’s simply a shiny object. I’ll save you time by helping you focus only on what works.

It’s hard to do this on your own. I’d love to teach you how to create your organic marketing funnel.

It’s hard to do this on your own. I’d love to teach you how to create your organic marketing funnel.

If you’re ready to rank on Page 1 of Google, let me teach you how in Simple SEO Content.

If you’re ready to rank on Page 1 of Google, let me teach you how in Simple SEO Content.

Complete SEO Course

Simple SEO Content

A step-by-step program to get found on Google, get free website traffic and make more money.

This course will teach you how to do SEO on your website or blog. By the end of Simple SEO Content, your website will be SEO-friendly and ready to be found on Google and get more organic traffic. I’ll answer your questions and help you understand and implement what you’re learning.

Rachel’s course, SimpleSEO, was the perfect course for me to dive deeper into my understanding of SEO and SERP. I found the course to give enough information while also not overwhelming me in the process. This allowed me to finish the course ahead of schedule and I felt empowered and well equipped to take action on writing an SEO optimized post on my blog. Using Rachel’s measurement tools, I successfully tracked my efforts and learned that my post ranked on the first page and first position for my targeted keyword. As a beginner in SEO I’m thrilled I took on the investment of SimpleSEO because the course and my actions allowed me to drive actual results to my business.

- Sandy Park

My students and I found Rachel's SEO training EXTREMELY valuable. We are a group of artists and handmade sellers, most of which have very little (to no) technical knowhow, so foraging into the world of SEO feels a bit like going into a jungle while blindfolded. Rachel's superpower is her ability to break down and explain SEO in terms that were understandable, and she gave us actionable strategies that we were all able to implement in our businesses right away.

I am also a student in Rachel's course, which is proving to be one of the most valuable investments I've ever made in my business. Again, Rachel's ability to break down terms and concepts in a way that allows her students to take meaningful actions is what makes this course a must-have for anyone with an e-commerce business. I highly recommend this course and will be a student for life!

- Lucy Kelly

I loved getting the chance to work with Rachel Lindteigen and learned so much from her SimpleSEO workshop! Our office was full of content and ideas that we had compiled for many years, but lacked the knowledge on how to put those to work for us! Rachel took us step my step and gave us the tools we needed to put our content to work for us! I highly recommend this course to anyone who needs a basic understanding of SEO and a jumping off point. Rachel is responsive and answers each and every question!

- Maggie Wright

I'm so glad we worked on my 4 content pillars together. In real estate, it's very easy to generalize our target market - "Sellers" & "Buyers" - but once I focused my social media & SEO on more specific topics that fit my specialization, I immediately saw a difference in engagement. In fact, as soon as I implemented one of m pillars, it resulted in 2 appointments!

- Andrea Thorlakson

For years I neglected to learn SEO because it felt too big and complicated to tackle – then, Rachel was able to break it down and make it super easy to understand.

Her trainings guided me through exactly what I needed to do to rank on Google – and she set realistic expectations, so I’d know exactly what to expect. As she estimated, about 12 months after implementing her recommendations I began to reap the benefits of SEO, and 3+ years later it’s STILL paying off.

SEO has been an instrumental piece of my business revenue growth – I can track the pages that are making me money and see that traffic is coming from search. I can’t imagine how far behind I’d still be if I hadn’t put my trust in Rachel and taken the time to learn SEO for myself.

- Meg Brunson