The Freedom to Set Your Own Schedule

I’ve talked to so many of you and one of the biggest motivating factors for wanting to go into business for yourself is the freedom to set your own schedule. Man, I get it. I remember working in the corporate world and feeling stifled between my work schedule and commute. The two together were a brutal combo. I worked 6:30 am – 3:00 pm by the end, because it allowed me to be there to support my East Coast team early in the day and my West Coast team during the mid part of the day. It also allowed to me reduce my commute from 1:15+ each way to about 40 minutes each way. While I definitely had a flexible schedule for the corporate world (so much so that I turned down a job with my favorite boss at her new company because it was 8-5 with the same long commute) it wasn’t truly freeing because of all that I gave up in exchange for that schedule and reduced commute time.

I got up at 4:45 am to be out the door by 5:45 at the latest. If I wanted to work out, I had to get up by 4:15, and honestly, that sounded horrible most days. In those days, I still had a baby who was often up multiple times a night. I’d look at the clock on the stove at 2:00 am and want to cry knowing that the baby would go back to sleep eventually but I was probably up for the day. If he woke after 3:30 it was a guarantee that I wouldn’t get back to bed because what’s the point of trying to sleep another 20 minutes? If he wasn’t up overnight then I didn’t get to see him before I left for work. I’d tuck him in bed at night (as if it was that easy) and not see him until after work the next day because my husband took the morning shift with him and waited for the nanny so that I could go to the office early.  

I’d work all day and finally, get home around 4:30 and sometimes, try to get in a super quick workout because of #babyweight. Side note, why do we put so much pressure on moms to drop the baby weight so quickly? I wasn’t sleeping through the night yet and “friends” were pushing their MLM products to help me lose my weight. I felt so much pressure to get back to where I’d been before having him but the reality was, I wasn’t ready. Spoiler alert, the real success didn’t happen until after I left corporate and had a more balanced life and felt like I wanted to work out again but that’s a story for another day.  

I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s felt frustrated by the lack of flexibility and struggle to juggle it all as a working mom. I’ve talked to so many who are trapped in that life right now and want out bad but aren’t sure how to make the transition. I get it, I was terrified to make the leap, even though I knew I wanted it desperately. Heck, it took me five months after being laid off to fully admit it was what I wanted and that I didn’t want to accept another corporate job. Five months. It’s a scary change to make. Believe me, I get it.

But you know what, the freedom to set your schedule is EVERYTHING you are dreaming it might be. I can’t imagine going back to corporate and getting a j-o-b again at this point in time. My son will start kindergarten in the fall. He sleeps through the night now 🙌 and I control my schedule. I love that I’m able to meet with clients, continue working, help other moms make the switch to running their own businesses, work out in the afternoon instead of 4:30 am and still be present with my son. I have the energy for him today and more than that, I have the energy for myself again. Guys, it is possible. I swear. I am living it.

If you’re reading this thinking, I wish. Stop wishing. You can do this. There are ways you can build a business that fulfills you, pays the bills, AND gives you the control over your schedule that you desire. It’s not silly or frivolous to want more time with your family or a day to yourself. We need both. My goal for 2020 is to stop working Fridays. I want to take a three day weekend every week. Heck, I’d love to work only three days a week. Can you imagine? I’m working on being extremely productive during my work time so that I can reduce my work days altogether. I’ll let you know how it goes and if I can work it out, believe me, I’ll share what’s working with you so you can do it too!  

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