
How to get traffic to your website without social media

Organic Marketing, Content, SEO for Beginners, Simple SEO Podcast, SEO, Blogging

Have you ever wondered if it was possible to market without social media? Do you hate it but feel like you need it for business? I feel you on this one. I've bee...

5 Easy Ways to Create Better Content


Writing great content takes time. You should research a subject, determine what you’re targeting, think about your audience, write your content, and then distribute and amplify your work. Wouldn’t it be great to know how to drive more performance for each piece you create?

Can I use Chat GPT content on my website?

SEO, Content, Simple SEO Podcast

Have you found yourself wondering if you can use Chat GPT content on your website? I get this question a lot. I can see the appeal, especially for those who aren...

How to build a content marketing funnel for your business

SEO, Content, Organic Marketing, Email Marketing, Simple SEO Podcast, Blogging

I've been talking about my SEO / content marketing funnel recently and how it's working to drive organic traffic for my business, and I hope it's made you curiou...

What is SEO copywriting?

SEO, Content, SEO for Beginners

You may have heard people (or me) talk about how SEO and content go together like peanut butter and jelly (I had to do it, sorry) and wonder why. PB&J is a c...

What Holiday Content Should You Create?

Organic Marketing, Content

It's already fall, pumpkin spice season, Halloween, and in no time, it will be the Christmas holiday shopping season. If you read the post on how to create your ...

How to create a content calendar

Content, Organic Marketing

You've decided you're going to do this, you're starting a business! Yay! Maybe you've already got one and now you need to figure out what to share on your social...

How to audit your website and blog content

SEO, Content

A content audit should be part of the research you do before creating a content ...

How to Create Content Your Ideal Customer Wants


I seldom get into the more technical parts of SEO, but this is one of those super helpful lessons to understand, and it's not too techy. Sometimes, SEO is easier...

What is SEO Copy?

SEO, Content

We've been talking about SEO elements for a while now, and it's time to talk copy. If you're working on your website's search engine optimization, I bet you've t...

Can you use SEO to sell Online Courses?

Course Creators, SEO, SEO for Beginners, Content

Spoiler alert: Yes! You can use SEO to sell online courses. Absolutely. And you should. Many course creators seem to focus only on using Facebook or Instagram ad...

What are SEO Keywords?

SEO Keywords, SEO, Content

Have you ever wondered what SEO keywords are, how do you choose keywords, where do you use keywords, why keywords are so important to SEO? I bet you have because...

How Content Marketing Helps Businesses Make Money

SEO, SEO for Beginners, Blogging, Content

By now, I'm sure you've heard all about content marketing and how it's a fantastic free marketing channel. But you may find yourself wondering how content market...

The Best Content Marketing Ideas for Real Estate

SEO, SEO for Beginners, Content, Blogging

Are you ready to build your Real Estate business with the super powerful combo of SEO and Content Marketing? The two working together are unstoppable. But even k...