Can you use SEO to grow your email list?

Organic Marketing, SEO, SEO Keywords

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You may be wondering if you can use SEO to grow your email list, and the answer is most definitely! You should be using SEO to help grow your email list. When you use SEO, you help the search engine better understand what your website is about to send people most interested in your offer. Beyond that, when you have an SEO strategy in place, you focus on keywords your customer is using, which helps drive better-qualified (more interested) people to your website.




How Does SEO Help Grow Your Email List?


Your SEO strategy will include keywords related to your business. As your rankings improve and more traffic comes to your website via SEO, you could have more people sign up for your email list via an opt-in or lead magnet on your website.



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Why Does an Email List Matter to Your Business?


You want to grow your email list because it’s the only connection point you own. You don’t own your social media followers, but you do own your email list. It’s important to grow your business.



How Do You Grow Your Email List With SEO?


First, you will need to create an opt-in that your ideal customer will want. It should be easy to implement and will help them immediately; if you’re unsure what to create, start by reading up on opt-ins here.  Once you’ve got an opt-in, you need to add it to your website’s homepage so that it’s easy for your visitors to find and request. If you need ideas on growing your email list, find out how to get your first 100 subscribers




What Else Can You Do to Grow Your Email List With SEO?


You can optimize your opt-in landing page. You must create unique Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, and optimized content for your landing page. Be sure to use your keywords in your Title Tag, Meta Description, Image File Name, and Content on your landing page. By optimizing specific keywords on your landing page, you may have people find it via Google and join your email list when they visit the page.



What if your landing page doesn’t have a lot of copy? Is it worth still trying to optimize? Yes, even if you don’t have a minimum of 300 words of copy on your landing page, it’s worth optimizing the other elements and choosing keywords to use on the page. Not every page will have 300 words, and that’s OK in certain instances, like landing pages & contact pages.


Some pages don’t need that much content. It’s still a good idea to optimize what you can. Be sure to track the keywords you target on your landing page so you don’t use them elsewhere (remember, Google will only show your website twice for a keyword, so be careful where you use them).




How Do You Use SEO to Get More People to Your Email List?


One of the best SEO strategies is to create blog posts relevant to your Ideal Customer and provide the information they need and want. Creating an opt-in tied to Your Ideal Customer’s needs and wants will likely align well with your website content. You should include a link to your opt-in landing page within your blog posts.



You can do something like this where you add it right into the copy, request your copy of my Beginner's SEO Guide now, and learn what to do for SEO on your website. 



Or you can do something like this and use more formatting to make it stand out a bit more.



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Either way, your Ideal Customer will see that you have something to help them, and it’s related to the term they’re searching for and the content they’re reading, so it’s likely going to be something they want. And if they want your opt-in, they will request it, which will add them to your email list.



See how easy it is to use SEO to grow your email list? If you haven’t gotten a copy of my Beginner's SEO Guide, click here to request your copy so you know what to do for SEO on your website. I’ll walk you through what to do on your website or blog so that you can get more traffic from Google, then register for my free SEO class and learn how to get started with SEO today.