Books for Business: Building a StoryBrand

If you’re building a website or creating marketing materials for your business and haven’t read Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller yet, you need to do it ASAP. If you have a website that’s up and running but isn’t converting as well as you’d like or an opt-in that may or may not be working great for you, you need to read StoryBrand ASAP. Pretty much, If you’re a small business owner or entrepreneur, I want you to read StoryBrand and use it to guide your marketing materials, social media, website, and blog copy.


It’s an easy read and won’t take more than a few days or a week to get through. If you’re like me, you’ll find yourself taking TONS of notes or highlighting passages, so it’s easy to review when you start working on your content. I highly recommend buying this one as I’ve personally.


Why is it so good?

It breaks down what your customer wants and needs from you. Now, you may be reading this and thinking; I know my customer. I know what they want and need. I don’t need to read a book for that, and I don’t want to read it either. I’m going to suggest you read the book anyway. It walks you through what you need to think about from your customer’s perspective. It helps you understand the psychology of consumer behavior, and it will show you how to tap into their mindset to become the solution they didn’t know they needed.


What will you use it for?

The Storybrand framework will help you further refine your ideal customer and understand their needs and motivation. You’ll use this as a guide to create or update your website copy, social media captions, blog posts, marketing materials and more. It will help you focus on your customers’ needs rather than your business. Creating enticing website and marketing copy is something many business owners struggle with and this book is a great tool.


What will it do for your business?

Once you figure out what your customer needs and you begin to talk to them in a way that connects with them, things can change for you. Rather than trying to convince someone your product or service is exactly what they need, they’ll find themselves wondering where you’ve been all their life. They’ll feel like you’re “in my head” or speaking directly to them. Your messaging will connect with your ideal customer in ways that it most likely doesn’t today.


This is an easy to read book that will walk you through what to do with your marketing copy. Add it to your must-read business books list. It’s assigned homework for my one-on-one strategy coaching clients and students in my upcoming Business Builder’s Blueprint course. If you’re building a business or you’re in business today, use this book as a guide. It will help.