
How to Write Blog Posts Faster

SEO, Blogging, SEO Keywords

Yeah, you read that right. You can cut your content development process time in half with a few handy tricks, tips, and tools. Content development, mainly ...

Who is Your Ideal Customer?

Organic Marketing, SEO, Blogging, SEO for Beginners

You've likely heard the term Ideal Customer and maybe even worked on determining who your Ideal Customer is, but how well do you know them? Is it enough, or shou...

How Content Marketing Helps Businesses Make Money

SEO, SEO for Beginners, Blogging, Content

By now, I'm sure you've heard all about content marketing and how it's a fantastic free marketing channel. But you may find yourself wondering how content market...

The Best Content Marketing Ideas for Real Estate

SEO, SEO for Beginners, Content, Blogging

Are you ready to build your Real Estate business with the super powerful combo of SEO and Content Marketing? The two working together are unstoppable. But even k...

SEO for Blogs: How to Rank at the Top of Google

Blogging, SEO, SEO Keywords, SEO for Beginners, Simple SEO Podcast

If you're looking to improve your blog traffic, then you need to start doing SEO for blogs. SEO, or search engine optimization, is the key to ranking your blog p...

How to optimize blog posts for SEO

SEO, Simple SEO Podcast, Blogging, SEO Keywords, SEO for Beginners

What is Blog SEO, and how to do it yourself? If you're a blogger, you may wonder what blog SEO is. Maybe you've heard the term blog SEO, but you're not sure wh...

How to Write Title Tags Your Customers and Google Will Love

SEO, SEO Keywords, SEO for Beginners, Blogging

Getting more traffic to your website or blog is a top priority for many small business owners. Today we're going to learn how to write a Title Tag for your reade...

What do you do when the wrong page ranks for a keyword?

SEO, Simple SEO Podcast, SEO Keywords, Blogging, SEO for Beginners

Have you ever wondered why one-page ranks for a keyword and another one, the one you want to rank, doesn't? It can be frustrating when the seemingly wrong page i...

Should you update old blog posts for SEO? How do you decide?

Simple SEO Podcast, SEO, SEO for Beginners, Blogging

Have you ever found yourself wondering if your old blog is helping or hurting your website's SEO? Have you wondered if it was worth updating old blog posts for S...

How to Edit Title Tags in Wordpress

SEO, SEO Keywords, SEO for Beginners, Blogging

If you've ever stared at a Page or Post in Wordpress and wondered exactly how to edit title tags in Wordpress this post is for you. No need to get frustrated or ...

3 Ways to increase blog traffic for beginners

Simple SEO Podcast, Blogging, SEO for Beginners

Have you heard that blogging can help drive traffic to your website? Are you hoping to build a blogging business and become an influencer? Do you want to sell yo...

3 Ways to use AI tools for SEO and not get in trouble with Google

Simple SEO Podcast, SEO, Blogging

AI tools are all the rage right now. But Google's latest update penalized sites that relied heavily upon AI-generated content. Maybe that's why you are wondering...