Defining Content Marketing

I'm sure you've heard the term Content Marketing, but maybe, like many, you're not quite sure what it means or why it's essential. That's OK. It's pretty typical. It's a relatively new term, but it's an old idea at heart.

Content Marketing is merely marketing that provides useful content for your consumers. The concept is relatively simple if you provide helpful, relevant content for your audience, they'll read it, and if it's something they like, they may even subscribe or follow you on social media to see more of your content. By providing content they find helpful, you're providing a service for your consumer. If they know they can visit your site and get the answers they need quickly, they'll keep coming back. It is that simple.

Creating a Content Marketing Plan

If this sounds good to you, then read on. Content Marketing isn't tough, but it's hard to do it well. Many companies start out with big, lofty goals but find that they can't keep up for one of several common reasons. If you're going to focus on a Content Marketing strategy for your company, it's essential that you answer a few critical questions to ensure you're set up for success.

1. Who is going to determine the Content Strategy?

2. Where should our content be distributed?

3. Is there someone we should partner with for our content?

4. How often should we produce content? What type content do we need?

5. How will we measure the success of our content efforts?

You don't have to know all the answers today. In the coming weeks, we'll talk more about each of these questions and work to help you establish a content marketing plan for your company. For today, start thinking about the five questions above and see if you have answers to any of them today. If you do, great. If not, it's OK. We're going to work on answering them in future blog posts and helping you establish a content marketing plan for your business. If you're ready to start or improve your content marketing, contact us today to talk about your content marketing needs.