Why Your FAQs Need their own Page


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We’re moving into more advanced SEO strategy as we talk about why your FAQs need their own page. Most websites have one single FAQ page, but when an SEO strategist starts working on the site, they’ll often recommend breaking the FAQ pages out and creating more pages. Sometimes, it’s hard to understand why this is being suggested.


Why do FAQs Need their own Page?

When we have all of our FAQs on one page, we’re very limited in our keyword targeting. We have to choose terms such as frequently asked questions and FAQs for our optimization because that’s what these pages are about. As a consumer, how often do you search for FAQs or frequently asked questions relating to anything you’re looking for? Probably not often. There is limited search demand for FAQ information. However, the questions themselves probably have a lot of search demand individually because they’re the most common questions you receive.


Should Every FAQ Have its own Page?

Most likely. If you are trying to optimize your website really, you’re going to want to have as much relevant content as possible, and FAQs are generally very relevant to your audience. Creating dedicated pages for each of your frequently asked questions allows you to be more strategic with your keyword targeting and creates more ranking opportunities for you. Each new page you create can be targeted for specific keywords relating to that one question rather than having to target the entire page to FAQs terms.


Why do FAQs Matter?

Your customers most frequently asked questions represent the information they need to know to move through your sales funnel and go from lead to customer. By having this information on your website on a dedicated, optimized page, it’s easy for a potential customer to search their question, find your answer page, and learn about your business. This allows them to either opt-in and become a lead or move further into your sales funnel.


How do I Change my FAQ Page?

You don’t have to replace your entire FAQ page with individual pages or posts today. Start with the most important ones and go from there. Either choose pages based on website traffic or search demand for the keywords you’d want to target and then begin writing one new page at a time. You can leave your current FAQ page and link out to the new pages, or you can use your FAQ list to help create blog posts that answer the questions, it’s up to you. There are several strategies you can take that will help you build out additional content and gain more rankings. For more information on how to get more pages ranking in Google’s search results, check out this post.


Changing your FAQ pages and breaking them into individual pages that you optimize for specific keywords is a more advanced SEO strategy but it’s one that works great. It will help you increase the number of pages that are indexed by Google and that gives you more chances to rank and drive new traffic to your website. It takes some time, but this is one instance where it’s worth the time investment to gain the rewards.

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