The Etched Blog

Do Title Tags Matter for SEO?

SEO for Beginners

Title Tags are a critical element in your SEO efforts. They matter a lot. When I train my writing team on SEO, I start with the Title Tag because it helps frame ...

Ultimate SEO Blueprint: Case Study & Step-by-Step DIY Guide

SEO, SEO Keywords, SEO for Beginners

How to get any blog post or website page to rank and drive traffic. You may be sitting there, staring at a blank screen wondering what to write. Maybe you've ...

What is SEO for a website?

SEO, SEO for Beginners

What is SEO? It’s one of the most common questions I get from small business owners, entrepreneurs, and bloggers. SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization. Read more.

5 Easy Ways to Create Better Content


Writing great content takes time. You should research a subject, determine what you’re targeting, think about your audience, write your content, and then distribute and amplify your work. Wouldn’t it be great to know how to drive more performance for each piece you create?

When’s the right time to market your business?

Organic Marketing

We’ve been talking about marketing’s most basic definition: targeting the right person, at the right time, with the right message on the blog ...

3 Reasons Why SEO Matters to your business

SEO for Beginners, SEO

As a small business owner, entrepreneur, or startup SEO should be your favorite word for many reasons. The top three reasons why SEO matters are it’s ...

Analyzing your Black Friday and Cyber Monday Performance

Organic Marketing

I know a lot of entrepreneurs and small businesses ran promotions for Black Friday and Cyber Monday and some of the folks I've talked to were frustrated with ...

How Many Pictures Should Your Blog Post Have?

Blogging, SEO

When writing blog posts, it’s vital to remember to use visuals to help tell the story. Blog posts without images or videos will get less interaction than ...

How to Identify Your Target Audience

Organic Marketing

Can you describe your target audience in a sentence or two? Who does your business serve? This is one of the fundamental questions in any marketing plan. If you ...

Is Top-Level Domain Important to Your Business?


This is one of those questions that pops up on a regular basis because of the difficulty securing .com websites. There are so many options available today but ...

How to Create a Home or Office Video Studio

Time Freedom for Entrepreneurs, Organic Marketing

Are you thinking about adding video content to your marketing plan? Are you a bit overwhelmed at the thought of trying to determine what you need to make it ...

Do 404 Errors Hurt Your Business?


A 404 error is a pretty standard website response: sorry, the page you’re looking for was not found. You may be wondering if 404 errors can hurt your ...

SEO Definitions

SEO, SEO for Beginners

This week in the Marketing Academy, we’re going to talk about the SEO definitions you need to know. I know SEO is an area that can seem scary or super ...

5 SEO Quick Wins to Get More Organic Traffic

SEO, SEO for Beginners, Blogging

I’m sure you’ve heard about SEO and know how important it is to your website or blog. However, if you’re like many people, you’re not ...

How to audit your website and blog content

SEO, Content

A content audit should be part of the research you do before creating a content ...